Woop, woop... here at Innovate we are celebrating our 12th birthday on Saturday!! As always at this time of the year, we LOVE to give some cheeky offers and the chance for you to get involved with more Innovate-y Fitness-y things, whilst also saving some cash in the process. We do occasionally run promos for none-clients too but we like to balance that out with even bigger and better offers for existing clients :D Sooo, we have some offer proposals for you, if something takes your fancy, let us know (via text), and our client care team will get you sorted! Offer 1: 6 Week Jumpstart Buy a 6-week nutrition & accountability bolt-on program, to start anytime AFTER April (get the Easter eggs out the way first!) and get it for £99 (instead of the current £125 price, going upto £150 in the Summer) AND……also get a free additional block of 8 sessions (worth £50) for free, to use in anytime before December 31st, on top of your normal membership allowance Offer 2: Mini pre-pay #1 - free upgrade in sessions Pay upfront for 3-6 months, and we will upgrade your sessions availability during those months, to the next tier up. examples. 1) if you’re on x3 p/wk training, if you pay for 3 months upfront, we’ll change your training limit during those 3 months, from x3 p/wk, to unlimited. 2) Or maybe if you’re on our x2 per week training with SoS, if you pay for some months upfront, we’ll upgrade those months to x3 per week note: This applies to all applicable memberships - the above are just SOME examples. Your membership will then simply revert back to ‘normal’ monthly payments, at the end of the months you’ve paid for upfront. Offer 3: Mini pre-pay #2 (free 6 Week Nutrition Coaching bolt-on) Pay upfront for 4 months Get free nutrition bolt-on, worth £125 (soon to be £150) for FREE - for use AFTER April 2023 Offer 4: 2 full months of membership for FREE (save upto £300!) Pay for en entire year on any LGPT or SoS membership, and get 2 months membership absolutely FREE (depending on membership level, you can save upto £298!!) We also have payment plans on some of these options…….ask for details if you’re genuinely keen! note: this also locks you in against any price increases for the whole of 2023…. Offer 5: 50% off Class Pack bolt-ons Buy a “bolt on” pack of 32 extra Large Group PT sessions for just £99 - usually £200 OR Buy a “bolt on” pack of 32 SoS sessions for just £150 - usually £300... (you must be an active SoS member to get this SoS class-park offer) 6 month expiry date so LOADS of time to use em up PLUS... for every £10 you spend, you'll get a digital raffle ticket to a virtual prize draw, and the winner will get £50 vouchers of your choice! !!IMPORTANT!! Any questions or interest, please TEXT our Customer Service Number (07441 428178) and our client care team will get back to you. The DEADLINE for giving a "YES PLEASE" on this proposal is 5pm Friday 31st March, and the deadline for setting up/payments is 5pm Tuesday 4th April. GO, GO, GO.... HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY TO ALL OF OUR CLIENTS! The theme of International Women's day this year is EmbraceEquity, a world where everyone is valued and celebrated. Of course - we (Team Innovate), maybe a little biased...but we think our community of women is fantastic. The celebration of everyone's acheivements equally and the support our clients give one another is phenomenal. Our goal continues to be supporting all women, no matter what their reason for finding Innovate and providing a welcoming community for all to be part of whilst improving their physical and mental health! :) _______________ We're going to run the 14 day Spring C.L.E.A.N Challenge again - starting on Monday 20th March!
Brownie points if you can remember what the C.L.E.A.N acronym stands for...? More info to follow in the next few days - but a GREAT way to do a mini reset on habits whilst also "sorting some of your sh*t out" in your personal life https://www.innovatefitness.co.uk/uploads/1/2/0/1/120148409/the_spring_c.l.e.a.n.pdf |
October 2024
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