Just 2 months of 2023 to go - it's going so quickly now, so here's a heads up of everything that's going on, at Innovate Towers!
New Kit A lot of love for the new mats - who'd have thought something so simple could have brought so much appreciation! We've also got some smaller, but awesome bits of kit to start using this month - keep an eye out of various 'landmine' style exercises being programmed! _________________________________ 21 day Crimbo Countdown - FREE members challenge Registration closes TOMORROW - Thursday at 12pm And the challenge starts on Monday 6th November! Make sure to register by clicking HERE Please note that if you're doing our 6 week program, you can't (and shouldn't) do this too - it just gets too confusing trying to deliver two programs via the iCoach app For everyone else, get involved - great way to accelerate your results pre-xmas! _______________________________ Technique workshop Is THIS SATURDAY. Learn to squat and move better. And eat cake. It's free to attend and you can register via GoTeamUp ______________________________ Survey As ever, please take 45 seconds to complete THIS FORM. The reason we ask the same 'scoring' questions every month is because we track the monthly scores, which helps us to maintain standards and identify improvements. We know the novelty can sometimes wear off, but trust us, this monthly survey is one of the most helpful things we've EVER done, so please do help us out by continuing to complete it every month. Plus you could win some ££££ ______________________________ Nutrition Tip Nobody in the history of the world ever (true fact) has ever remembered to always drink enough water. And we all know we feel better when get our (minimum) 2 litres in.... Try adding 'drink water' to your daily to do list. But don't just add it once. Add it 3 or 4 times per day - this encourages you to drink throughout the day, rather than see it, neck a glass, then cross it off. If you use a 'to do' app, you can set repeat reminders do that you never forget :) _____________________________________ BAFF - Bring a Friend Fortnight Your friends are entitled to a free fortnight with us. You can refer them to us, to come do a trial……..and they don’t have to come to the same sessions as you, if they don’t want to…………and if they decide to stay on afterwards, you’ll get £30 in vouchers - and your mate will get £50 off a program or membership. We often get asked for discounts - but the best way to earn a discount, is by helping us through word of mouth. We only need their name and number - we contact them and have a friendly chat to see if they’d like to come do the trial. CLICK HERE to pop the details in of one person you know - ‘support local business’ and all that :) __________________________________ A final message..... We'll close this news update with a reminder about consistency. Now it's darker, it's easier to lose the momentum. But that's where discipline has to override things like "Expecting to feel motivated all the time". Discipline drives consistency - and doing something to 80% all the time, is better than occasionally doing it 100% "It's not all about talent. It's about dependability, consistency, and being able to improve. If you work hard and you're coachable, and you understand what you need to do, you can improve." Bill Belichick Have an awesome November !
September was rocking - but as ever, we never like to stand still here at Innovate.
Grab a brew, and a (small) biscuit, and take a peek at what’s been going down, and what’s on the horizon. ______________ OCTOBER NEW COACH It probably seems like Tina Richardson has been gatecrashing the coaching sessions for what seems like an eternity now - but up until this week, she was only on ‘work experience’. We’re delighted to officially welcome Tina into the fold as a fully fledged team member a Coach, taking over Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and Thursday eves, plus the odd weekend. LAST CHANCE FEEDBACK As ever, we’ve been running our monthly survey - it’s been one of the best things we’ve introduced to be honest. INSANELY helpful to us. You fill it in and achieve two things:
We read every single piece of feedback and whilst we can’t act on everything, we DO take them onboard, look for the common patterns, and try to address one or two things each month. Continuous improvement is the name of the game:-) CLICK HERE to add your entry. HALLOWEEN FANCY DRESS COMPETITION We’ve not done this for a year or two, but we used to rock the Halloween dress-up workouts! Totally optional, but we invite you to come to your workout in totally over the top fancy dress - the coaches on the day will be too! And we will have a vote for TWO best-dressed winners- where each will win a prize! NEW KIT For once, not as exciting as previously, but again, ‘continuous improvement’. We’ve ordered some new mats. Once they’re in, if anyone wishes to take one of the current (old) knackered ones home, you’re more than welcome to one each…… ______________ NOVEMBER TECHNIQUE WORKSHOP Kate and Hannah Evans will be hosting a technique workshop on Sunday 4th November. A poll will go up shortly, to ask for some direction on what would be most helpful. But amongst the techniques bits - there’ll be coffee and cake. Lots of cake. An opportunity to eat cake mainly. And tidy up your squat. But yeh, cake….. CRIMBO COUNTDOWN - FREE CHALLENGE November 6th, it all kicks off! Our favourite annual free challenge. 21 days of
It’s always a fantastic way to get some focus pre-xmas, but the chocolates and mince pieces and cheap Cava start flowing….. and the coaches join in too ! We’ll be seeing out our usual ‘intake forms’ a week or two beforehand! ______________ DON’T FORGET BAFF - Bring a Friend Fortnight Your friends are entitled to a free fortnight with us. You can refer them to us, to come do a trial……..and they don’t have to come to the same sessions as you, if they don’t want to…………and if they decide to stay on afterwards, you’ll get £30 in vouchers - and your mate will get £50 off a program or membership. We often get asked for discounts - but the best way to earn a discount, is by helping us through word of mouth. We only need their name and number - we contact them and have a friendly chat to see if they’d like to come do the trial. CLICK HERE to pop the details in of one person you know - ‘support local business’ and all that :) SoS- Sisters of Steel - small group strength training We’ve had loads of interest in our SoS program recently - but are always looking to expand the number of clients who lift weights, as we’re so passionate about how it’s the single best form of exercise you can do! If you’re keen to get strong (it takes around 12 weeks in SoS what it takes 3-4 years in large group to achieve, strength-wise) then claim your free two week trial by CLICKING HERE We’ll reach out and explain the details - and how it works should you wise to upgrade your membership after the free trial. As ever, keep on trucking - and keep consistent. Remember: "Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general" |
October 2024
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